
Fact Sheet Fehmarnbelt Tunnel
Unlocking the potential of the Fehmarn Belt Region
6 recommendations to strengthen cooperation and cross-border mobility between Denmark and Germany (2024)
The labour market potential in the Fehmarn Belt Region
The opening of the Fehmarn Belt fixed link in 2029 will create new opportunities for growth and integration of the labour markets, and thus for the emergence of a new border region, the Fehmarn Belt Region. (2024)
Fehmarnbelt Index
Strengthening scientific cooperation in the Fehmarnbelt region – FBBC launches first Fehmarnbelt index.
FBBC Position paper on infrastructure in the Fehmarnbelt region
The position paper was adopted in May 2017 and is available as a pulication in German, Danish and Swedish. The map is available in English or German.
FBBC – Infrastruktur Positionspapier 2017 Karte.jpg
FBBC – Infrastructure position paper 2017 map.jpg
FBBC Brochure
The FBBC Brochure and Fact Sheet were endorsed by the Council on 28th June 2016.
FBBC information flyer
In the follwing flyer you can find the most important information about the Fehmarnbelt Business Council.
FBBC Informationsflyer (English)
FBBC labour market position paper
The FBBC Labour Market Position Paper was endorsed by the Council on 17th November 2015.
FBBC map of competence – “The northern science hub”
The FBBC Map of Competence – “The Northern Science Hub” was published by the FBBC members in 2013.
FBBC infrastructure position paper
The FBBC Position Paper on Transport Infrastructure was endorsed by the Council on 27th September 2012.
Copenhagen declaration of FBBC member
In the context of the FBBC Conference in Copenhagen the FBBC members signed the Copenhagen declaration.
FBBC brochure – creating connections
In 2009 the FBBC published the brochure “Creating Connections: the fixed Fehmarnbelt link!” as a first overview paper on the topic of the Fehmarnbelt Fixed Link.
Fehmarnbelt Days 2014 – information flyer
From 30.09. till 02.10.2014 the Fehmarnbelt Days 2014 will take place in Copenhagen. The FBBC will have its FBBC Business Day in this context on the 01.10.2014. More information can be found in the following flyer.
strong partners
Der Fehmarnbelt Tunnel –
creating connections