Who we are
About us
In 2008, the Ministers of Transport of Denmark and Germany signed a state treaty on the construction of a fixed link between Fehmarn on the German and Lolland on the Danish side of the Fehmarnbelt. The Fehmarnbelt fixed link is to strengthen the axis of growth between the metropolitan areas of Copenhagen/Malmö and Hamburg/Lübeck.
It is only with the early involvement of the business community that the Fehmarnbelt fixed link becomes a success from the very first day of opening. These regions can only stabilise and secure their economic growth in the course of globalisation if they learn to cooperate with one another – across natural and political borders. It is therefore important to identify the opportunities for cooperation and development potential in the region along the growth axis at an early stage and to bring possible actors together.
The FBBC is a consortium of Dansk Erhverv, Dansk Industri, the German–Danish Chamber of Commerce, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Southern Sweden, Hamburg Chamber of Commerce, Schleswig-Holstein Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Schleswig-Holstein Chamber of Skilled Crafts, Schwerin Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Lübeck Merchants’ Association and UV Nord.
FBBC Chairman
Camilla Khokhar
FBBC Vice Chairman
Members of the FBBC
Dansk Industri
Danish Industry – DI – is Denmark’s largest, most representative and most influential business and employers’ organisation, covering manufacturing as well as service industries across sectors such as transport, energy, IT, health, trade and professional services.
Council member: Camilla Khokhar
Task Force member: Lars Magnus Lund Christensen
Hamburg Chamber of Commerce
As the representative organisation of Hamburg’s enterprises the Hamburg Chamber of Commerce is the political lobbyist, mediator and advocate for the local business community of 170.000 enterprises. The Hamburg Chamber of Commerce aims to represent all Hamburg firms and to function like a turbocharger to boost this engine’s performance. Our mission is clear: we work for our members and the success of their businesses.
Council member: Dr. Malte Heyne
Task Force members:
Philipp Koch, Kai Gerullis
Chambers of Commerce and Industry Schleswig-Holstein
Dansk Erhverv
Council member: Marc Perera Christensen
Task Force member: Per Thye Rasmussen
German-Danish Chamber of Commerce
Council member: Andreas Wenzel
Task Force member: N.N.
Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Southern Sweden
Council member: Stephan Müchler
Task Force member: Pontus Lindberg
Schleswig-Holstein Chamber of Skilled Crafts
The Schleswig-Holstein Chamber of Skilled Crafts is the working group of the Lübeck and Flensburg Chambers of Skilled Craft. The Chambers are the self-governing body of the skilled crafts sector in Schleswig-Holstein and represent the interests of almost 33.000 companies with around 175.000 employees. The range of services include, among other things: holding craftsman examination, consultancy to vocational training and support, management consultancy and assistance in foreign trade. Placements abroad are also arranged. The chamber further functions as representation of its members in politics.
Council member: Andreas Katschke
Task Force member: Sybille Kujath
Chamber of Commerce and Industry Schwerin
The Chamber of Commerce and Industry Schwerin represents the interests of about 24,000 member companies in Western Mecklenburg with respect to politics and administration. It also informs and advises on all relevant economic matters, offers professional education and is a platform for the exchange of experience. The chamber is based in Schwerin, the capital of the federal state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. Food industry, tourism, wood processing, IT and maritime industries are important sectors.
Council member: N.N.
Task Force member: Wolf-Rüdiger Knoll
Lübeck Merchants' Association
Council member: Carsten Bliddal
Task Force member: Christian Diemer
UV Nord - confederation of employers‘ associations in northern Germany
Council member: Dr. Philipp Murmann
Task Force members:
Sebastian Schulze