
New study shows the economic consequences of potential delays in the Hinterland connection
The Fehmarnbelt Fixed Link, which is scheduled for completion by 2029, is seen as an important step towards improving the connection between the Scandinavian...
New analysis on ‘The labour market potential in the Femern Belt Region’ now available
With the purpose of establishing a foundation to initiate concrete and early initiatives to support the integration of labour markets and realize the recruitment and...
Press release: Industry expects massive damage to reputation due to the delay threatening the Fehmarnbelt link – German, Danish and Swedish chambers and associations insist that the railway line is opened by 2029
On no account may the current austerity measures of the Federal Government jeopardise the realisation of the future rail link between Germany and Denmark. The...
A visit to Europe’s biggest construction site: Fehmarn Belt dynamism already markedly palpable
Lübeck / Rødby, 02 May 2022 The members of the Fehmarnbelt Business Council (FBBC) were impressed by the dimensions of the construction site for the Fehmarnbelt...
Positive developments in science in the Fehmarn Belt region
Lübeck, 30 March 2021 The scientific collaboration in the Fehmarn Belt region is becoming increasingly close. The number of publications by researchers collaborating...
The federal administrative court clears the way for the Fehmarnbelt tunnel
The federal administrative court clears the way for the Fehmarnbelt tunnel – FBBC: “This is the signal we have been waiting for” A spirit of optimism in northern...
Members of the FBBC Welcome today’s submission of the plan approval draft
The eleven members of the Fehmarnbelt Business Council welcome today’s ground-breaking step on the way to issuing the plan approval decision in January 2019...
Today’s A20 court decision setback for the Fehmarnbelt Hinterland Connection
„It is with great regret that we as the Fehmarnbelt Business Council (FBBC) accept today’s decision on the motorway A20 of the Federal Administrative Court in...
Important progress for the Fehmarnbelt project
The planning of the Fehmarnbelt Tunnel project makes considerable progress. The Fehmarnbelt Business Council (FBBC) welcomes the renewed committment by Chancellor...
Fehmarnbelt project recieves european funding: “Proof of the european idea”
The Fehmarnbelt Business Council welcomes yesterday’s decision by the European Commission to fund the Fehmarnbelt project with 123.5 million Euro for construction...
The necessity of functioning Hinterland connections
FBBC demands for regional transport infrastructure With the construction of the Fehmarnbelt Tunnel between Denmark and Germany, a huge barrier for exchange of...
Ten years of the FBBC: ‘An outstanding example of the european idea’
For the last ten years, the members of the Fehmarnbelt Business Council (FBBC) in northern Germany, Denmark and southern Sweden have been committed to seizing the...
FBBC elects new chairman and jointly supports Fehmarnbelt Tunnel
During its annual Meeting in Hamburg on 17th November 2015 the Fehmarnbelt Business Council’s (FBBC) highest committee, the Council, has elected Mr. Siegbert...
Ten-T Coordinator Pat Cox visits Fehmarnbelt region
Ten-T Coordinator for the Scandinavian Mediterranean Corridor, Pat Cox, is on a tour through the Fehmarnbelt Region. He started his visit on Tuesday morning with a...
SPD business brunch on opportunities of the Fehmarnbelt tunnel NWM in Wismar
Around 20 participants discussed the economic development of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, especially in the region of Nordwestmecklenburg, in the Steigenberger Hotel...
Danish folketing passes construction law on FB Tunnel with 92% of votes
“This is a historic decision!” are the delightful words from both sides of the Fehmarnbelt. Nicolaus Lange, Chairman of the Fehmarnbelt Business Council and Michael...
Northern German economy supports the Fehmarnbelt tunnel
The North German economy and the Minister of Economy and Transport of the State of Schleswig-Holstein Reinhard Meyer still solidly supports the construction of the...
FBBC reinforces expectations towards politics in Berlin
“There are nine million bicycles in Beijing – that’s a fact.” Michael Svane, vice chairman of the FBBC started his introductory statement for...
FBBC press release on the first reading of the Fehmarnbelt Construction Act
FBBC welcomes the cross party support of the Fehmarnbelt fixed link in the danish parliament and sees opportunities in the time delays of the tunnel construction...
Plenum of chamber of commerce and industry Schwerin supports Fehmarnbelt fixed link
On the 11th of March 2015, the Plenum of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Schwerin adopted a resolution on the Fehmarnbelt Fixed Link The Fehmarnbelt Fixed Link...
FBBC council meets in Copenhagen
Prime Minister of Schleswig-Holstein, Mr. Torsten Albig attended as a guest at the annual fbbc meeting in Copenhagen With the future Fehmarn Belt Fixed Link, an...
“Knowing Fehmarnbelt” at the Fehmarnbelt Days 2014
FBBC chairman Nicolaus Lange opens the conference “Knowing Fehmarnbelt” at the Fehmarnbelt Days 2014. For three days, from the 30th of September to the...
Fehmarnbelt fixed link – economic impulse for western Mecklenburg
When the construction of the Fehmarnbelt tunnel is finished in 2021 the metropolitan regions of Hamburg and Copenhagen/Malmö will be connected on the shortest...
FBBC talks to german parliamentarians in Berlin
Two successful events have been held with members of the German Federal Parliament in Berlin by the Fehmarnbelt Business Council on 24th June, 2014 concerning the...