Ten-T Coordinator for the Scandinavian Mediterranean Corridor, Pat Cox, is on a tour through the Fehmarnbelt Region.
He started his visit on Tuesday morning with a discussion round initiated by the IHK zu Lübeck and the Europa-Union in the premises of the IHK zu Lübeck. Among the participants were representatives from the port and logistics sector as well as FBBC members from the IHK zu Lübeck, IHK zu Schwerin and Dansk Industri.
After the meeting Mr. Cox continued to Kreis Ostholstein where he met in a meeting organized by the Kreis Ostholstein, the Europa-Union and the IHK zu Lübeck citizens from the region on the topic of “The relevance of the Fehmarnbelt Fixed Link for Europe and the region”. Apart from Mr. Cox, the panelists were Mr. Sager (Landrat of Kreis Ostholstein), Mr. Dr. Nägele (Staatssekretär im Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Arbeit, Verkehr und Technologie des Landes Schleswig-Holstein), Mr. Jorkisch (Vize-Präses of IHK zu Lübeck) as well as Ms. Brelowski (Allianz gegen eine feste Fehmarnbelt-Querung). The FBBC was represented by the IHK zu Lübeck and the IHK zu Schwerin.
On Wednesday, Mr. Cox will complete his trip with a visit of Fehmarn. But, he promised that although this had been his first, it would not be his last visit to the region.