FBBC council meets in Copenhagen

Prime Minister of Schleswig-Holstein, Mr. Torsten Albig attended as a guest at the annual fbbc meeting in Copenhagen

With the future Fehmarn Belt Fixed Link, an infrastructure permitting new opportunities will emerge in the metropolitan region between Hamburg, Lübeck and Copenhagen/Malmö. To take advantage of those opportunities, cooperations must be built across natural and national boundaries.

The Fehmarnbelt Business Council (FBBC) is a cooperation between ten important business organizations, counting the Danish Chamber of Commerce, the Confederation of Danish Industry, the German-Danish Chamber of Commerce, the Chamber of Commerce of Southern Sweden, the Lübeck Merchants’ Association, the Hamburg Chamber of Commerce, the Schleswig-Holstein Chamber of Skilled Craft , the Schleswig-Holstein Chamber of Industry and Commerce, The Schwerin Chamber of Industry and Commerce and the Confederation of Employers’ Associations in Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein.

On the 30th of September, the Fehmarnbelt Business Council (FBBC) met at Børsen, the old stock exchange in Copenhagen, to discuss possibilities of strategic cooperation and potentials for business development. FBBC Chairman Nicolaus Lange (CEO of the Lübeck Merchants’ Association) also welcomed the guest Mr Torsten Albig, Prime minister of Schleswig-Holstein, who came all the way from Kiel, Germany, to participate in the meeting. Mr Albig informed himself about goals and perspectives of the FBBC. At the end of the meeting, he said; “The conversations were very encouraging and supporting. I am pleased to have found such an important partner as the FBBC when promoting our plans for the Fehmarn Belt Region in Brussels. FBBC-Chairman Nicolaus Lange noticed a “very productive dialogue” with the Prime minister; “We, in the FBBC, are happy to see that politics are interested in working closer together with business representatives to promote our common interests in Berlin and Brussels.”