FBBC talks to german parliamentarians in Berlin

Two successful events have been held with members of the German Federal Parliament in Berlin by the Fehmarnbelt Business Council on 24th June, 2014 concerning the topic “Fehmarnbelt Fixed Link”.

Altogether 26 parliamentarians and their representatives joined the 18th “Hafenfrühstück” that had been organized by the FBBC and the Chamber of Commerce of Hamburg in the premises of the Representation of Land Schleswig-Holstein in Berlin. Following an introductory presentation of FBBC Chairman Nicolaus Lange and FBBC Vice chairman Michael Svane the participants discussed actively about the potentials of the Fehmarnbelt tunnel and the demands of the Fehmarnbelt Business Council concerning infrastructure but also network creating measures.

This constructive dialogue could afterwards be deepened during a lunch with six parliamentarians as well as German and Danish FBBC members that took place through the mediation of Ms. Alexandra Dinges-Dierig, Member of Parliament, in the “Deutsche Parlamentarische Gesellschaft”.

During both events it became clear that in order to strengthen transport infrastructure in the future a close collaboration between economy and politics in the five Northern German coastal Lands, regardless of party boundaries, is essential.