On 4th of March 2016 Femern A/S has presented the preferred bidding consortia for the Fehmarnbelt Tunnel. Therefore, the companies building the tunnel are finally known. Additionally, Banedanmark has contracted with MT Højgaard and M.J. Ericsson on enhancing the rail way line between Ringstedt and Nykøbing-Falster, starting in autumn 2016. Those large building projects bear great participation opportunities for the local businesses, if getting in contact and the chance of meeting the building companies.
European companies interested in exploring the opportunities to become a subcontractor to the upstarting railway-projects and the upcoming construction works on the Fehmarn Belt Tunnel had the opportunity to meet the winning consortia and the appointed railway contractors at the Fehmarnlink Business Conference in June 2016.
2016 06 08 FBBC Invitation Fehmarn Link Business Conference.pdf (165.9 KiB)